Submitted by sysadm on Fri, 21/04/2023 - 13:04 Contact Pal Arinsal Date of visit Customer language - None -SpanishCatalanFrenchEnglish Name Email Phone Include your country code. For example, in Spain +34, Andorra +376, France +33 Type of message - Select -ComplaintIncidenceInformationSugerencia/FelicitaciónModificationSki & snowboard schoolBudget Category - Select -Season Ski PassGeneral informationBike Park - PalMountain Park - PalEat & SleepYou might also be interested inMy bookingsMy GrandSkiYour opinion matters to usBike Pass Subtype mygrandski - Select -My GrandSki Subtype more services - Select -Gondola lift accessSledges/SnowbikesGift voucher Pal ArinsalDrones Subtype on tracks - Select -WiFiSki LockersRental equipment / clothing Subtype reserves - Select -Booking locatorMethods of paymentModificationsCancelationsReturnsBudgets Subtype information - Select -¿Cómo llegar?ParkingAndorra Pass VeranoEventosCircuitos e-bike Subtype school - Select -School for allChildren's schoolDisabled skiing Subtype station services - Select -Day and multi-day ski passInsuranceActivities of adventure Subtype sleep / eat - Select -AccommodationRestaurants Subtype may interest - Select -Working at Grandvalira ResortLost itemsWifi Subtype opinion - Select -Congrats/suggestIssueInquiry Subtype Season SkiPass - Select -General informationPassword reminderOnline purchaseCancellationsPayment in instalmentsLost season passCompensation guaranteeSki clubsSki insuranceChange season pass typeOthersExtracurricular ski passUniversity ski passAccompanying ski pass Subtipo pal bike park - Select -Apertura y cierreHorarioForfaitAlquiler bicicletasClasesDescuentos Subtipo pal mountain park - Select -Apertura y cierreHorarioEntrada parque / ActividadesAccesoDescuentos Subtipo BIKEPASS - Select -Información generalVentajas y CondicionesCompra onlineHorario Sector - Select -PalArinsalPal ArinsalNo lo sé Subject and/or booking reference number if you have a reservation Leave us your message I have read and accept the Information Clause on Data Protection Enviar